Wishing you the best year 2024 and bringing you the fresh news from our tango world:
For better orientation the news are devided into 3 sessions: A – learning/classes B – dancing/milongas and C – others
- A: I want to learn it (classes, workshops, practicas)
NEW beginner class: TUE 20:00 – 21:30, WED is for the most advanced of you, other classes continue from the previous period. Of course you can always join us or drop in!
FB event, Registrace - NEW MEMBER OF OUR TEAM!
Michelle Salguero (VEN), Michelle is an experienced tanguera, starting tango in her 11 years of age, and having her own school in venezuelan city Merida. More about Michelle: https://caminito.cz/eng/ or join our Tuesday classes or classes of technique - THURSDAYS WILL BELONG to the TECHNIQUE!
FOLLOWER’s TECHNIQUE s Michelle 1.2. 2024
At the group classes we focus much more on the lead and follow abilities during the dance in couple, connection and rhythm…
But how about our own stability and inner harmony? Quality and aesthetics of ochos and pivots? And what’s going on with the free leg? It is never enough and never late to train our body.
Next classes with another teachers will be announced soon.
FB event: https://fb.me/e/4eFoGMOfR
Registration: https://forms.gle/saodM1CxMmTnCx4g7 - SUMMER CAMP ŽIROVNICE 2024, 11th edition
25.-28.7. SAVE THE DATE!
The event is ready, teachers are ready too and registration open in March.

- SUNDAY’s OPEN CLASSES: 4.2., 3.3. a 7.4. 18:30 – 19:30
in Caminito, for those who want to taste tango. - TOP NEWS! Do you feel like improving your tango? Jakub and Linda has prepared an app :TANGO PLAN. Try it! And share your experiences with us.
- SUNDAY’s PRAKTIKA 18:30 – 20:30
Time for your training, FB event: https://fb.me/e/6FEKdPDjq

- B: Chci si jít zatančit (milongy)
- MILONGA QUERIDA 27.1., 8.2., 15.3.
27.1. (SAT) DJ Vilelmina Kara (GR) https://fb.me/e/1UklKuDtq
8.2. (THU) DJ Vláďa (Jesus) = PRE party PTM https://fb.me/e/1AtN1LCBG
15.3. (FRI) DJ Veronika + SHOW Sigrid van Tilbeurgh & Maria Filali – more about the weekend: https://fb.me/e/5geaWqHc7 - MILONGA KORUNNÍ 4.2., 3.3. a 7.4.
first Sundays of the month 19:30 – 23:30
4.2. DJ Alexandra, 3.3. DJ Veronika
FB event: https://fb.me/e/711ONSF3B - PRAGUE TANGO MARATHON – additional programme to the international event, opened all Prague Tango Community. More info:
PRE party @Querida 8.2. Hotel Fitzerald, Vítkova 26 – https://fb.me/e/1AtN1LCBG
AFTER party 11.2. Na Marjánce, Bělohorská 35 – https://fb.me/e/1aeZciU2d - C: others
- Keep yourself updated?
Follow us: FB page, interactive FB group or Instagram.
Info about all tango events in Prague should be always updated in the calendar https://www.tango-prague.info/ or the Prague Tango Society FB group. - Looking back to the Black & White Christmas Milonga…
BLACK&WHITE SHOW by the local tangueras was fun and you can refresh it in the video Youtube.
Thank you all for a numerous participations and great atmosphere. Thanks to all contributions to the raffle, specially: Jana a Petr Kaštánkovi: Neobotanics https://neobotanics.cz/, Víno Škrábek: www.vinoskrabek.cz, Olivový olej Lozano-Červenka:https://www.lozanocervenka.cz, Roxana Matei Image Studio, Praha Procházková: https://prahaprochazkova.cz/, Claudia Cimini: https://www.facebook.com/silverbyclaudia/, Jiří Najman: 24print.eu, Klára Najmanová za Milonga na Kolonádě, Jörg, Radka, Marek, ad. - PRIVATE CLASSES, TANGO SHOES, VOUCHERS?
Write us: info@caminito.cz or call: +420 775072352
Wishing you a beautiful year and let’s dance!
Radka and all Caminito.Cz team