Hello everybody,
so many things has changed in last couple of days… Originally I wanted to write about the good news, almost all restrictions for events and dancing will be released from March. But last days our attention is focusing with fears to East… Let’s dance to support people in need and for our better mood.
REGULAR CLASSES| From March all spring
MO 19:00, TUE 19:30, WE 19:30, SU 18:30 (Pra)
You can join us at any moment or take advantage of the trail lessons every first Sunday of month (18:30, Korunní 35). In March we offer the “Testing classes”
More about the classes:https://caminito.cz/eng/?p=calendar
Registration: forms.gle/t531TRm6AfKYRUZw5
TANGO & WINE TESTING CLASS| 6.3., 7.3., 10.3.
FB event: https://fb.me/e/28EJq3kA1
Suitable for the first touch and steps in tango
Special price: 500 Kč/pár
Reservation: info@caminito.cz
Every first Sunday of the month. 18:30 – Trail class, 19:30 – 23:00 milonga
venue: Caminito.Cz, studio ITAKA, Korunní 35, P2
FB událost: https://fb.me/e/5iMWxbTBq
CONCERT & CD LAUNCH & MILONGA| 11.3. 19:30 a 21:00
19:30 Orquestrina Radek Baborák: Á. Piazzolla – 101 Anniversary
21:00 milonga (DJ Marek)
FB event: https://fb.me/e/1aCn296So
Tickets in presale: goout.net/cs/radek-baborak-and-orquestrina-101-vyroci-krest-alba/szemfxs
Milonga only: 150 Kč (payment at the door)
Venue: Vzlet, Holandská 1, P10

FRESH TANGO LYMPH – spring workshops| 14.3. – 11.4.
MO 20:30 – 22:00
Jakub & Linda prepared 5 unconventional workshops with the goal to wake up your body and mind, to offer you the routine as well as new views to your technique and impulses to your tango. The topics tells it all: More info and registration: https://linda-jakub.cz/caminito/cz
FB event: https://fb.me/e/1K0WpXtwe

9th edition of Summer Camp with the tango schools Caminito.Cz a Studio 12
FB event: https://fb.me/e/2fPNWalH6, více info in next newsletter and in the event

Shoes? Privat classes? Questions? Impresions?
Write us: info@caminito.cz
Looking forward to meeting you in one of the events
Stay safe